New Year's Resolution No. 1: Be a better blogger.
I don't keep a journal. Maybe I should start a journal because blogs
stress me out. I can think about a post for days in my head (literally days) trying to think of what to write. But
here's my little motivation. Turning my blog into a book sounds pretty prime to me, so (hint hint TYLER), for Christmas next year, that's what I'm asking for.
New Year's Resolution No. 2: Relax.
I stress out over everything. Tyler had a test the other day, and I'm pretty sure I was more stressed about it than he was, and that's not because he wasn't stressed about it because he was freaking out too.
I stress about work, I stress about visiting teachers coming, I stress about my house being clean, I stress about keeping New Year's Resolutions. Burt, RELAX.
Good thing I have Ty to keep me calmed down most of the time. Take, for example, last week. I went to bed stressed about who knows what, and when I'm stressed I am a brat and SUPER annoying to be with. Tyler went to cuddle me, and I was not in the mood. There was absolutely no way, but then out of nowhere Tyler says in this most puzzled voice I've ever heard(seriously so confused) "Burt, but you love to cuddle with your Ty Baby." Freak, Tyler, how am I supposed to say no to that? I do love cuddling with my Ty Baby, and what can't a little cuddling fix? Nothing. It fixes everything, I assure you.
So this year, Brittney is relaxed. I think on the Lulu bags it says that stress is related to 99% of all illness or something like that? That's ridiculous.
So here's to relaxing this year.
This is the best picture of the year, am I right people? (Am I right people was definitely stolen from MTV Live. I laugh my face off every day watching that. I advise everyone to watch it)