Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wishin' and Hopin'

I best be writing on my blog more often, or I'm going to have a pretty bare book.

Me + Tyler + School + No work lately = The poorest couple I know. Not lying. But for that one day when Tyler is finally done school, I have plenty of things I want.

1. A cute little cottage house in the woods. I think it sounds dreamy and romantic.

2. A bullboxer. I die every time I see one. I've never seen one in real life, but these pictures make me squeel.

Of course, he'll never replace Chevy. Chevy is our numero uno.

3. Everything that's in Anthropologie, and I mean everything. All the house things are magical, including their doorknobs.

4. A grand piano. I love my keyboard, but I would really love this. In my cottage in the woods. It would be perfect.

And I could go on and on for probably another zillion (approximately) pages, but I'll stop there. I would be one happy girl if I got even one thing on my list. One day, right?


  1. I day dream all the time about the things I want one day!! pretty sure its the only thing keeping me sane right now!!!

  2. GAH!!! I want a grand piano too!! When you get one can I come visit your magical cottage for some tea and crumpets and some piano playing? P.S. Love the new background and stuff! You did reno your blog right, I'm not dreaming?

  3. Seriously, Shayla, that's all I do all day since I haven't been working, and Kristen, of course you can come over to my magical cottage! It will be splendid! And yes, I did fix up my blog, so thank you!

  4. ok, seriously all I ever want is one of those bullboxers! Our neighbors have one and I tell Tyson I want my own EVERY day and he HATES them. It's the saddest day. Haha, but don't you love dreaming about the future? One day I hope to move on from our trailer house! :)

  5. your neighbor has one? Oh, man I'm so jealous. I'd go play with it every single day. I love them
