My whole life long I have loved long hair; hair that is thick and shiny and smooth and oh so long. I dream of long hair, I crave long hair, I am obsessed with long hair... and I get stuck with this.
Short-thin-frizzy-wont-grow hair with two balls of curliness coming out of my forehead. Seriously, hair on my forehead? What the heck. Go away.
I consider any girl with long hair beautiful. If you have long hair, I envy you more than you know. I stare at girls when they have long hair and dream that some day my hair will decide to grow.
Ugh, this makes me want to cry. I'm in love, and I will never get it.
Before I get too depressed, I am happy to announce that my hair HAS grown from last year. It was stuck at the same length for five years, probably getting shorter if that's even possible. For those who know that my hair doesn't grow, be prepared to be amazed.
Hurray! These were taken basically exactly a year apart, so maybe there is hope for my luscious locks after all.
Ps. Don't mind my boobs and the fact that I'm burnt to a crisp in the first picture. I had some trouble finding pictures where my extensions weren't in.